One of the names in the e-mail list attends my former hall. I know him personally and have worked on many a building project together in the past. Looks like you got the real deal! Excellent work!
please fill in more!.
mark leigh or paul gillies .
public affairs office for jehovah's witnesses .
One of the names in the e-mail list attends my former hall. I know him personally and have worked on many a building project together in the past. Looks like you got the real deal! Excellent work!
i was baptised as a jw when i was about 12. i dropped out when i was about 19. i just stopped going to meetings and going in service.
it is now 20 years later.
i am interested in learning about other religions.
Use a balanced and carefully planned approach to this situation. Why? There are two reasons.
In the first place, despite your inactivity, I assume there are friends or relatives or occasional contacts you are interested in maintaining a relationship with, correct?
If so, you need to plan. Secondly, gather your thoughts, gather some information and research and come to a finalized viewpoint concerning whether or not you accept/agree to participate in any WTBS proceedings.
Why bother? Well, if you decide there aren't any people you need to remain in contact with, then you can afford to make a statement about leaving if you desire. If not, you have the option of remaining perpetually inactive and unavailable to the WTBS and keep your contacts or possibly lose them by attracting their attention to you if you surface with some action, like attending church.
Personally, I feel once you are out of the WTBS, why waste time with any organized, human religion ever again anyway? The lesson is not to let humans decide anything for you ever again and develop your own belief system, with or without the Bible. The choice is yours.
But, don't be hasty, unless you don't care, don't have anyone to care about in the WTBS and want to make a statement.
thanks to friends here, the our kingdom ministry october 2001 is now published on the watchtower observer..
yakki da.
Thx alot Kent! Nice Work and good quality!
while surfing the net, i came upon this annoucement.. a seminar on biblical greek to be taught by dr. firpo carr!!!.
who wants to sign up?.
Ignore FredHall (whom I will refer to from now on as LeadBall) and his trivial attempts to antagonize everyone. His goal is to interrupt, cloud the issues, distract, confuse thoughts, misquote, incite anger, provoke hostility, annoy, babble incessantly and pester everyone to death.
Simply bypass his weak and feeble musings and continue your intelligent discussion sans the disservices of LeadBall.
is there a new breed of jw emerging, i wonder?.
i know that there are lots of real brainwashed dubs around who see demons behind every car boot sale item and who scuttle off to the elders with every bit of tittle-tattle imaginable, but, i think that there is a new type of dub who quietly does just as he / she pleases.. this is what i think: many of the long-serving jw's who have seen the 1975 failure and the 1914 generation change are now approaching old age with something of a jaundiced eye, and are choosing to do their own thing in their remaining years.
in conversations i am picking up it seems that the elders are being regarded somewhat derisively by many jw's.
Quo vadis secundum verbum:
Again, the days mentioned could have been any type of primitive, personal day with or without significance. If the verses do not specify, then the possibilities are numerous and wide open and NOT necessarily pointing strictly in the direction of birthdays.
Try typing those verses at:
See for yourself!
is there a new breed of jw emerging, i wonder?.
i know that there are lots of real brainwashed dubs around who see demons behind every car boot sale item and who scuttle off to the elders with every bit of tittle-tattle imaginable, but, i think that there is a new type of dub who quietly does just as he / she pleases.. this is what i think: many of the long-serving jw's who have seen the 1975 failure and the 1914 generation change are now approaching old age with something of a jaundiced eye, and are choosing to do their own thing in their remaining years.
in conversations i am picking up it seems that the elders are being regarded somewhat derisively by many jw's.
I don't have a defined problem. I am simply asking you to either read those verses again, especially verses 3-5, or understand that birthdays are NOT mentioned nor implied in those texts.
How difficult is that? If you insist on harboring the opinion that a birthday was celebrated, then make that clear and live your opinion. That is your personal business, but don't imagine or create convenient renderings and interpretations for certain bible verses, unless you have solid references other than speculation.
If you plan to post speculative thoughts, be prepared to defend them!
is there a new breed of jw emerging, i wonder?.
i know that there are lots of real brainwashed dubs around who see demons behind every car boot sale item and who scuttle off to the elders with every bit of tittle-tattle imaginable, but, i think that there is a new type of dub who quietly does just as he / she pleases.. this is what i think: many of the long-serving jw's who have seen the 1975 failure and the 1914 generation change are now approaching old age with something of a jaundiced eye, and are choosing to do their own thing in their remaining years.
in conversations i am picking up it seems that the elders are being regarded somewhat derisively by many jw's.
Perhaps your name correctly fits your capacity of retention and comprehension. I AGREED that a day was mentioned, and that each of the children celebrated a day.
What has NOT been determined is the significance of the particular day chosen by JOB's children, correct?
Have you considered they could have chosen days of the full moon, or perhaps the first or last day of the month? What it if was their hunting day or fishing day or farming day or harvest day?
Are you assimilating? I am not against birthday celebrations and believe they are purley a matter of personal choice and conscience. However, you are again stretching the texts in question.
is there a new breed of jw emerging, i wonder?.
i know that there are lots of real brainwashed dubs around who see demons behind every car boot sale item and who scuttle off to the elders with every bit of tittle-tattle imaginable, but, i think that there is a new type of dub who quietly does just as he / she pleases.. this is what i think: many of the long-serving jw's who have seen the 1975 failure and the 1914 generation change are now approaching old age with something of a jaundiced eye, and are choosing to do their own thing in their remaining years.
in conversations i am picking up it seems that the elders are being regarded somewhat derisively by many jw's.
Salve Britanicus Magnum!
Thx for the tip. I did check out WOL and it is a sad and painful attempt at self gratification and self preservation. You're also right about the self-esteem issues.
i link to this board a couple of times a day, sometimes in the early hours and there is always a flurry of activity, often from an enclave of veterans.
i wonder, are you all in prison?
i understand the pc's are allowed in some facilities.. do you all work?
Wide Area Network Manager & Integration Consultant for federal government
is there a new breed of jw emerging, i wonder?.
i know that there are lots of real brainwashed dubs around who see demons behind every car boot sale item and who scuttle off to the elders with every bit of tittle-tattle imaginable, but, i think that there is a new type of dub who quietly does just as he / she pleases.. this is what i think: many of the long-serving jw's who have seen the 1975 failure and the 1914 generation change are now approaching old age with something of a jaundiced eye, and are choosing to do their own thing in their remaining years.
in conversations i am picking up it seems that the elders are being regarded somewhat derisively by many jw's.
Perhaps the greatest and most significant behavioral characteristic manifested in the growing trend of liberalism amongst witnesses is the lack of a sense of urgency or responsibility/accountability to their local elders and congregation.
This is the beginning of free thinking and subliminal rebellion of the conscience. As time progresses, these hidden traits will manifest themselves more as individuals face crucial decision making crossroads in life.
For example, do I allow children to particpate in sports? Should I vote? Will I support the current US military action? Should I continue reporting field service time? Do I really need human (elders) approval to make personal or family decisions in my life?